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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lit Circle Summative 1

Pain Glog

My glog is a representation of pain in both the literal sense and in the imagery used. I brought in my connection in the form of a pop culture music video from youtube(Grenade by Bruno Mars). For the section on growth, I brought in images of trees to represent two things. The first is how pain spreads to it's surroundings like wild fire, burning away all the nutrients for a nourished and comfortable life. The second is the way pain alters our needs. I placed the tree in a splotch of red (blood) to symbolize how Heathcliff feeds of the pain of others. He uses it for growth and survival to compensate for his social disadvantages. Finally i used quotes from various characters to emphasize the different ways pain can be received and interpreted. Although they are all similar, their ideas on how pain can be dealt with vary largely. The moving eyes in the title are an extended illustration of Heathcliff's quote in that they represent the mistrust and eternal inner conflict that arise as a result of pain felt from a young age.

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